Sunday, October 27, 2013

O Glory, Glory

It's been almost a year since I last rode my mountain bike. I was pregnant and then too huge after winter to go on any rides aside from my regular commute to work. I have been on three mountain bike rides in the past month and they have been guh-lorious. There's nothing like not riding to make you really appreciate hitting the trail.

So far I've only ridden at CamRock, but they've been good rides. I love returning to a trail and discovering new changes - reroutes and flourishes. It's nice to see the comforting old bits still there too, like that one rock that I always use to ride smoothly over a log. It's great to be back on the bike and feel like I'm only as badly off as my usual spring slump!

Sure, winter's approaching quickly but fall has always been one of my favorite times to ride. Happy trails and crunchy leaves, everyone.

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